This boat is a PT Skiff by Port Townsend Watercraft. It is a lightweight motor boat that has the unique capability to have water ballast. This boat is built using stitch and glue construction.
Length: 18 feet 5 inches
Beam: 6 feet 2 inches
Displacement: 1379 lbs.
Engine: 25 HP
PT Skiff
PT Skiff
7/15/11 - The boat is finally complete! The owner will fit it out with a 25 hp engine.
PT Skiff
PT Skiff
The puzzle joints on panels 1 and 2 are glued and clamped.
The puzzle joints on panels 1 and 2 are glued and clamped.
1/22/11 - The clamps are removed after the puzzle joints cured overnight.
Panels 3 and 4 are glued together.
The puzzle joint on frame 1 is glued togther.
The puzzle joints on the longitudinal bulkheads are glued together.
Fiberglass cloth is laid out on the panels. The front tips do not get fiberglassed, only sealed with epoxy.
1/24/11 - The first fill coat is applied.
The cloth is wetted out with epoxy.
The cloth is all wetted out.
#1 panels are laid in the cradle
#1 panels are wired together and screwed into place on the cradle
#1 bulkhead is wired into place.
It looks precarious up there.
Both #2 panels are wired in place.
2/5/11 - Bulkhead # 2 is wired in place.
The longitudinal pieces are put in place.
View looking forward.
2/6/11 - The starboard #3 panel is held temporarily in place.
Both #3 panels are wired into place.
The boat is really taking shape now.
2/7/11 - The transom is wired into place.
The piece on the back of the transom is temporary and will come off when the epoxy in the seams has fully cured.
2/10/11 - The #4 panel is put in place.
#4 panel is wired in place.
Both panels are wired into place.
View of the forward compartment.
Many small parts are given a coat of epoxy.
The side decks are fiberglassed for extra protection.
Ribs are installed on either side of the boat.
The transom reinforcements are installed.
2/13/11 - The port rubrail is glued in place.
The starboard rubrail is glued in place. This is a graphic demonstration of the old adage, "you can never have too many clamps when building a boat."
2/18/11 - The coamings and gussets are fit into place.
Coamings on both sides, ready for the side decks.
2/19/11 - Rubrails are reinstalled correctly.
2/21/11 - The side decks are epoxied into place.
The boat is lowered and tilted so the wires can be clipped and the seams glued.
02/25/11 - Stands for when the boat is on its side are built.
The boat is tilted on its side. It will be like this almost until the end.
3/3/11 - Chine seams are taped in the forward part of the boat.
3/4/11 - The stem is filleted and taped.
3/5/11 - The joints between the bulkheads are filleted.
3/6/11 - The rest of the bulkhead joints are filleted.
View of the water ballast area.
3/9/11 - Floorboard glue cleats are test fit before being glued in.
Glue cleats for the front seat and forward sole are glued in place.
The underside of the tank lid is fiberglassed.
3/13/11 - The tank lid is test fit.
The top of the tank lid is fiberglassed.
Close up of the edges that have been rounded over.
The tank lid is epoxied in place.
Link to full construction gallery.
The steering consol side pieces are attached at the puzzle joint.
The driver's seat side pieces are attached.
Fiberglassing complete.
Bulkhead #5 is fit into place.
Fillets are applied to all the seams.
Middle seat cleat is attached to bulkhead #5.
Floorboard cleats are glued onto bulkhead #5.
3/23/11 - The steering console front and top are attached.
The driver's seat sides are attached.
The forward sole is glued into place.
3/24/11 - Doublers are glued into place in the driver's seat.
The seats are fiberglassed.
The last two pieces of the console are glued in place.
Overall view of the progress.
Overall view.
The top of the coamings are taped off.
The coaming on the middle seat is glued in place.
The coaming on the forward seat is glued in place.
The aft seat is fiberglassed.
3/27/11 - The edges of the console are rounded and smoothed.
Other side of the console.
One side of the seat is fiberglassed.
3/28/11 - The console is fully fiberglassed.
The driver's seat is fully fiberglassed.
The underside of middle seat is fill coated.
Glue cleats are placed for the aft seat.
The cleats for the floorboards are fiberglassed.
Overall view.
The middle seat is glued in place.
The underside of the aft seat is fiberglassed.
3/31/11 - The forward seat is filleted.
The middle seat is filleted.
The fuse panel box is sealed with epoxy.
4/1/11 - The edges of the seats are rounded off and then taped off.
The seat edges are covered in fiberglass for abrasion protection.
The edges of the gas tank area are fiberglassed.
The aft compartments are partially filled with foam.
4/2/11 - A hole for line attachment is drilled.
Back seat edges are rounded off.
Framing for the forward deck is put in place.
Overall view of the boat.
A temporary deck piece is in place for a "blind" fillet. Also you can see the first layer of floatation foam.
Glue is applied to the deck beams.
The foredeck is installed.
4/7/11 - The boat is right side up!
The fore and side decks are sanded.
The upper coaming pieces are glued in place.
Ready for epoxy.
Halfway done.
Almost all of the decks have been fiberglassed.
View of the finished coaming.
The last two sections of deck are prepped for fiberglassing.
4/10/11 - The transom area is ready for fiberglass.
Transom area is fiberglassed.
Topside construction is finished.
4/17/11 - A stand is built for when the boat is upside down.
4/18/11 - The boat is flipped over! There's a lot of sanding to come.
4/26/11 - One side of the hull is partially sanded.
Close up of the bow.
Overall view.
A fiberglass rubstrip is installed.
5/7/11 - The starboard half of the hull is ready for fiberglassing.
The fiberglass is wetted out.
The skeg is installed.
The transom is saturated with epoxy.
The hull has been varnished and painted.
Link to full construction gallery.