1/19/11 - The kit has arrived. What is packed in these three boxes will eventually become a boat!
The construction talble is built. Camera problems left me with a blurred photo.
1/21/11 - The plans are laid out in preparation of opening up the kit.
Panels 1 and 2 are dry fitted.
Pressure plates are pre-drilled. They keep clamping pressure on the puzzle joints.
The puzzle joints on panels 1 and 2 are glued and clamped.
The puzzle joints on panels 1 and 2 are glued and clamped.
1/22/11 - The clamps are removed after the puzzle joints cured overnight.
Panels 3 and 4 are glued together.
Looking back towards the bow. My workshop has just barely enough room.
The puzzle joint on frame 1 is glued togther.
The puzzle joints on the longitudinal bulkheads are glued together.
1/23/11 - Panels 1 and 2 are ready to be sanded.
A puzzle joint after sanding.
Fiberglass cloth is laid out on the panels. The front tips do not get fiberglassed, only sealed with epoxy.
The cloth is nice and smooth.
The fiberglassing is halfway done.
A close up of a puzzle joint after fiberglassing.
The cloth is all wetted out and set to cure.
1/24/11 - The first fill coat is applied.
1/25/11 - Small parts of bulkhead 10 are glued in place.
1/26/11 - The two number 4 panels are sanded. There wasn't enough room on the table to do 3 and 4 together.
Fiberglass cloth is laid out over the panels.
The cloth is wetted out with epoxy.
1/28/11 - Fiberglass cloth is laid out onto the number 3 panels.
The cloth is wetted out with epoxy.
1/29/11 - The bulkheads are laid out for fiberglassing.
View of the rest of the bulkheads.
Fiberglass cloth is rolled out.
The cloth is all wetted out.
Bulkhead #1
1/30/11 - The reverse sides of the bulkheads are sanded.
Fiberglass cloth is laid out.
1/31/11 - The reverse sides of the bulkheads is fiberglassed.
2/2/11 - The hull panesl are ready to be sanded.
Before and after sanding.
2/4/11 - The tips of #1 panels are tapered.
Goodbye to the table, hello to the cradle.
#1 panels are laid in the cradle
#1 panels are wired together and screwed into place on the cradle
#1 bulkhead is wired into place.
It looks precarious up there.
Port #2 panel is wired into place.
Both #2 panels are wired in place.
2/5/11 - Bulkhead # 2 is wired in place.
The longitudinal pieces are put in place.
The rest of the bulkheads except #5 are wired in place.
View looking forward.
Bulkheads 1 and 3.
2/6/11 - The starboard #3 panel is held temporarily in place.
Both #3 panels are wired into place.
The transom gets a seal coat of epoxy.
The boat is really taking shape now.
2/7/11 - The transom is wired into place.
The piece on the back of the transom is temporary and will come off when the epoxy in the seams has fully cured.
2/9/11 - The side decks and coamings are glued to full length.
Side supports are fiberglassed.
2/10/11 - The #4 panel is put in place.
#4 panel is wired in place.
View from the inside.
Both panels are wired into place.
View of the forward compartment.
The seam between #4 and #3 is glued as is the entire bow section.
2/10/11 - One of the coamings is laminated from two pieces.
Many small parts are given a coat of epoxy.
The side decks are fiberglassed for extra protection.
Ribs are installed on either side of the boat.
The transom reinforcements are installed.
2/13/11 - The port rubrail is glued in place.
The starboard rubrail is glued in place. This is a graphic demonstration of the old adage, "you can never have too many clamps when building a boat."
Side decks and coamings are ready for fill coats.
2/14/11 - The coaming gussets are given 3 coats of epoxy.
The underside of the side decks and inside of the coamings are given 3 coats of epoxy.
2/18/11 - The coamings and gussets are fit into place.
Coamings on both sides, ready for the side decks.
2/19/11 - Rubrails are reinstalled correctly.
Lots of clamps.
2/20/11 - The starboard side deck is temporarily screwed into place.
2/21/11 - The side decks are epoxied into place.
2/23/11 - The screws that were holding the side decks in place are removed.
The boat is lowered and tilted so the wires can be clipped and the seams glued.
The outside of the seams are glued.
02/25/11 - Stands for when the boat is on its side are built.
The boat is tilted on its side. It will be like this almost until the end.
2/26/11 - The motorblocking is installed.
2/28/11 - A piece of fiberglass tape is stuck onto an epoxy fillet on the seam between panels.
Several seams have been filleted and taped.
3/1/11 - Upclose of a filleted and taped seam.
Several more seams have been taped.
3/3/11 - Chine seams are taped in the forward part of the boat.
3/4/11 - The stem is filleted and taped.
The underside of the breasthook is filleted and taped.
3/5/11 - The joints between the bulkheads are filleted.
3/6/11 - The rest of the bulkhead joints are filleted.
View of the water ballast area.
3/9/11 - Floorboard glue cleats are test fit before being glued in.
A reinforceing block is epoxied into the bow. This will have a hole drilled in it to serve as a place for a line to be attached.
3/12/11 - Glue cleats for the tank lid and floor grates are glued in place.
More glue cleats.
Glue cleats for the front seat and forward sole are glued in place.
The underside of the tank lid is fiberglassed.
3/13/11 - The tank lid is test fit.
Fiberglass cloth is laid on the tank lid.
The top of the tank lid is fiberglassed.
Close up of the edges that have been rounded over.
3/14/11 - The top of the tank lid is given a fill coat. Also, the ballast tank valve is epoxied into place.
A second fill coat is applied.
4/16/11 - The area covered by the tank lid is given a final thin coat of epoxy.
The tank lid is epoxied in place.