The steering consol side pieces are attached at the puzzle joint.
The driver's seat side pieces are attached.
Fiberglass cloth is laid out on the foward sole, console parts, and driver's seat parts.
Fiberglassing complete.
3/18/11 - Blocks are hot glued on bulkhead #5 to act as guides for deck cleats.
Bulkhead #5 is fit into place.
Fillets are applied to all the seams.
The top side of the forward sole is ready for fiberglass.
The two pieces of bow deck are attached at the puzzle joint.
Middle seat cleat is attached to bulkhead #5.
3/18/11 - The top of the forward sole is fiberglassed and fill coated.
Floorboard cleats are glued onto bulkhead #5.
3/23/11 - The steering console front and top are attached.
The driver's seat sides are attached.
Marks are made on the forward sole for a bevel.
The bevel is cut with a low angle block plane.
Both sides are beveled.
The forward sole is glued into place.
3/24/11 - Doublers are glued into place in the driver's seat.
Console doublers are glued into place.
Hatch coamings are glued together using puzzle joints.
3/25/11 - The forward and middle seats are ready for fiberglassing.
The seats are fiberglassed.
The last two pieces of the console are glued in place.
Overall view of the progress.
Overall view.
03/26/11 - Hatch coamings are temporarily put in place.
The top of the coamings are taped off.
The coaming on the middle seat is glued in place.
The coaming on the forward seat is glued in place.
The aft seat is fiberglassed.
The underside of the forward deck is fiberglassed.
3/27/11 - The edges of the console are rounded and smoothed.
Other side of the console.
The drivers seat box is rounded.
Fiberglass cloth is ready to go.
One side of the seat is fiberglassed.
The aft and top of the console is fiberglassed.
The front of the console is fiberglassed.
3/28/11 - The console is fully fiberglassed.
The driver's seat is fully fiberglassed.
The underside of middle seat is fill coated.
Glue cleats are placed for the aft seat.
The cleats for the floorboards are fiberglassed.
The foward seat is fill coated.
Overall view.
3/30/11 - The forward seat is glued in place.
The middle seat is glued in place.
A box for the fuse panel is fashioned.
The underside of the aft seat is fiberglassed.
3/31/11 - The forward seat is filleted.
The middle seat is filleted.
The fuse panel box is sealed with epoxy.
4/1/11 - The edges of the seats are rounded off and then taped off.
The seat edges are covered in fiberglass for abrasion protection.
The edges of the gas tank area are fiberglassed.
The aft compartments are partially filled with foam.
Before the epoxy is fully cured, the fiberglass is cut with a razor blade and the tape pulled.
The aft seat is glued in place.
4/2/11 - A hole for line attachment is drilled.
Back seat edges are rounded off.
4/3/11 - Foam is fitted in the bow area.
Framing for the forward deck is put in place.
Overall view of the boat.
A temporary forward deck is cut using the actual deck as a guide.
4/4/11 - The transom is reinforced with a third layer of plywood.
A temporary deck piece is in place for a "blind" fillet. Also you can see the first layer of floatation foam.
4/6/11 - Three layers of 2 inch foam is in place. Also the deck beams are glued in place.
Glue is applied to the deck beams.
The foredeck is installed.
4/7/11 - The boat is right side up!
The fore and side decks are sanded.
The upper coaming pieces are glued in place.
A fillet is applied around the upper coaming piece.
4/8/11 - The fore and side decks have fiberglass cloth laid on them.
Foredeck is ready for fiberglassing.
Ready for epoxy.
Halfway done.
Almost all of the decks have been fiberglassed.
View of the finished coaming.
The last two sections of deck are prepped for fiberglassing.
A section that formed an air bubble is reglassed.
4/10/11 - The transom area is ready for fiberglass.
Transom area is fiberglassed.
4/11/11 - The supports are fiberglassed.
Topside construction is finished.
The driver's seat lid is glued together.
4/13/11 - A mockup for the aft navigation light is made and different placements are considered.
4/17/11 - A stand is built for when the boat is upside down.
4/18/11 - The boat is flipped over! There's a lot of sanding to come.
4/26/11 - One side of the hull is partially sanded.
Close up of the bow.
Half the hull is sanded.
Overall view.
Gaps in the seams and holes in the hull are filled with epoxy.
4/28/11 - The epoxy fill spots are sanded smooth.
A fiberglass rubstrip is installed.
5/7/11 - The starboard half of the hull is ready for fiberglassing.
The fiberglass is wetted out.
5/8/11 - Starboard side gets a fill coat and the port side is fiberglassed.
The skeg is installed.
Outside of the transom is ready for epoxy.
The transom is saturated with epoxy.
The hull has been varnished and painted.