This boat will be built with strapless hatches, recessed deck fittings, and a custom strip pattern.
Length: 19 feet
Beam: 21 inches
Weight: ~42 lbs.
Click on photos for slideshow
3/20/19 - The boat is complete!
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
Guillemot Expedition Single
12/10/18 - The strongback is set up and three forms are in place.
12/14/48 - Three strips per side are in place.
Nine strips are in place on the starboard side.
Cheater strips are added to fill in the gap at the bow.
A string is used to mark the centerline.
One and a half strips left!
View from a different angle.
The hull is sanded.
1/4/19 - Fiberglass cloth is draped over the hull.
The fiberglass is saturated with epoxy.
1/8/19 - Recessed deck fittings pieces are sanded to shape.
1/9/19 - The hull is flipped over.
The starboard side of the deck is done.
1/23/19 - Any gaps between strips are filled with epoxy.
The cockpit recess is cut out.
Close up of the recessed cockpit.
1/28/19 - The deck is fiberglassed.
The deck is removed and the forms are taken out.
2/4/19 - The underside of the deck is fiberglassed.
The outside of the coaming riser is filletted and fiberglassed.
The hatches are cut out.
2/13/19 - The cockpit coaming is sanded smooth.
2/22/19 - The deck is sanded and ready for varnish.
The first coat of varnish is applied to the hull.
2/17/19 - The sheer joint is sanded in preparation for fiberglass reinforcement.
3/1/19 - The first coat of varnish is applied to the deck.
Link to full construction gallery.