11/5/17 - The build starts by ripping the wood into stringers, ribs, and the keelson.
11/6/17 - The shape of temporary forms are transferred from the plans to wood.
11/8/17 - A strongback is set up.
Two parts of the transom are created and fiberglassed.
Two parts of the transom are created and fiberglassed.
Temporary forms are set up.
11/11/17 - The keelson and 10 stringers are placed on the temporary frames.
11/13/17 - The first few ribs are steamed and epoxied in place.
11/14/17 - My setup for steaming the ribs.
All of the ribs have been steamed, bent, and pushed into place.
11/15/17 - The ribs are epoxied to the stringers in stages.
11/17/17 - The boat is removed from the temporary frames.
11/19/17 - The overhanging ribs are cut off and inwale spacer blocks are epoxied to the gunwale.
11/20/17 - The inwales are epoxied in place.
11/21/17 - The meranti breasthook is installed.
The meranti transom knees are installed.
The middle seat cross pieces are installed.
11/22/17 - Seat support pieces are test fit.
Support pieces are reinforced with pieces of marine plywood.
11/28/17 - The modified aft seating area is created out of paulownia and cedar strips.
The forward seat is made from cedar strips.
11/29/17 - The inside of the daggerboard trunk pieces is fiberglassed.
11/30/17 - The daggerboard trunk is epoxied together.
12/1/17 - The seats are sanded and prepped for fiberglassing.
Forward seat is ready to be fiberglassed.
The aft seating is fiberglassed.
Forward seat.
12/8/17 - The underside of the wood frame is sealed with epoxy and the keelson is fiberglassed.
12/12/17 - The daggerboard trunk is epoxied in place.
Overall shot of the boat to this point.
1/2/18 - The top piece of the daggerboard trunk is epoxied in place.
The forward seat is epoxied in place.
1/3/18 - The underside of the aft seat is ready for fiberglassing.
The fiberglass is saturated with epoxy.
1/4/18 - The aft seat is epoxied in place.
1/8/18 - The floorboards are cut and fitted.
The daggerboard is laminated from several strips of walnut and mahogany.
1/9/18 - The mast partner is laminated from several pieces of hardwood.
1/10/18 - The daggerboard is sanded and the handle shape is cut out.
1/11/18 - The skeg is laminted from two pieces of marine plywood.
1/12/18 - Oarlock brackets are shaped from pieces of walnut.
Mast step is shaped from a piece of walnut.
Mast step and oarlock brackets sealed are sealed with epoxy.
The floorboards are fiberglassed on one side.
The edge of the daggerboard is coated with a layer of thickened epoxy.
Mast partner is fiberglassed.
1/14/18 - The undersides of the floorboards and mast partner are sealed with epoxy.
The daggerboard is fiberglassed on one side.
1/16/18 - The aft floorboards are epoxied in place.
The forward floorboards are epoxied in place.
The flipside of the daggerboard is fiberglassed.
Oarlocks are epoxed in place.
1/17/18 - The mast is test fit.
The mast step place is determined.
Daggerboard trunk supports are epoxied in place.
Mast step is epoxied in place.
1/19/18 - The boat is almost finished!
2/16/18 - Pieces of spruce are scarfed together to form oar blanks.
2/24/18 - pieces of spruce are epoxied to either side of the shaped oar shaft.
Angles are cut in the blades.
One of the oars is shaped.
2/25/18 - A good before and after of the oars.
Thickened epoxy is applied around the tips of the oars to increase durability.
3/4/18 - The sail starts off as a stack of dacron.
The reef patches are taped to a panel.
The reef patches are sewed to two panels.
3/5/18 - All the panels are sewn together.
3/13/18 - pieces of ironwood are epoxied to the bottom of the daggerboard.
The ironwood is sanded smooth to match.
The first two kevlar fibers are strung and tightened on the hull.
3/16/18 - The entire hull is laced with kevlar strands.
The skeg is test fit.
3/18/18 - The ironwood pieces of the daggerboard are reinforced with fiberglass.
A gudgen spacer block is epoxied to the transom.
3/19/18 - The rudder is test fit upside down!
An adjustable rowing footbrace is rough cut.
The first side of the rudder is fiberglassed.
The first sides of the oar blades are ready for epoxy.
The rudder is saturated with epoxy.
The oar blades are saturated with epoxy.
3/20/18 - Holes for the footbrace are drilled.
Two sets are drilled so they also act as a hiking brace when sailing.
3/21/18 - The flipsides of the oars are fiberglassed.
A fill coat of epoxy is added.
3/22/18 - A layer of thickened epoxy is added around the edge of the rudder.
3/23/18 - Construction is complete! The boat will get the dacron skin next.
Classic 14
Classic 14
Classic 14
Classic 14
The sailing rig is test fit.
3/26/18 - A new mast is scarfed together from two pieces of Douglas Fir.
The Ceconite dacron is draped over the hull.
3/27/18 - The mast is fiberglassed on three sides.
The Ceconite has been heat shrunk and secured to the gunwales.
The skeg is screwed into place and glued with 5200.
3/28/18 - View from the bow.
The first coat of paint is applied to the dacron to waterproof it.
3/29/18 - The second coat of paint is applied.
A rubstrip is laminated from several pieces of walnut.
3/30/18 - The rubstrips are saturated with epoxy.
The rubrails are test fit.
3/31/18 - The mast partner and tiller are varnished.
The rudder is varnished.
The daggerboard is varnished.
The oars, spars, and rubrails are varnished.
4/1/18 - The boat is ready for varnish.
First coat of varnish is applied.
The opposite sides of the oars and spars are varnished.
4/3/18 - An eyesplice is tied at the head of the sail.
4/4/18 - The daggerboard is test fit.
4/8/8 - She fits on the new trailer nicely!
Another trailer view.
5/25/18 - New sail track is tested out.
Sail track eliminates the problem of the sail ties interfering with the snotter.
I came up with a system for getting the boom out of the way for rowing.
5/27/18 - Pieces of the new kick-up rudder are fiberglassed.
5/28/18 - The kick up rudder is test-assembled.
More parts are fiberglassed.
7/1/18 - The parts of the kick up rudder trunk are epoxied together.
7/2/18 - The kick up rudder is assembled for the first time.
7/18/18 - The rudder is varnished.
The rudder is mounted on the boat for the first time.
The kick up feature works great.
7/19/8 - The old fabric covering is stripped off.
Bare bones again.
8/3/18 - The side seats have been cut out.
8/6/18 - Extra floor boards are fiberglassed.
8/7/18 - Extra floor boards are installed.
8/8/18 - One more set of floorboards.
8/13/18 - New Ceconite Dacron is laid on the hull.
The fabric is heat shrunk onto the hull.
6oz fiberglass cloth is laid on top of the Ceconite
The fiberglass is saturated with epoxy.
View of the bow.
8/15/18 - The skeg is epoxied in place.
8/16/18 - The first coat of primer is applied.
8/28/18 - A piece of Ceconite is used to cover floatation foam mounted under the stern seat.